Marketing Objective: Brand & Product Awareness
POLICE Partners Solution Directory
The ultimate platform to find and engage with your next customer in the police industry!
Bobit Custom Content Video Solutions
Our seasoned team of videographers is committed to translating your organization’s vision into captivating visual narratives, ensuring your message resonates powerfully on screen.
Charged Fleet
Charged Fleet spans the full spectrum of the EV ecosystem. Providing fleet decision-makers in commercial and public sector fleets with class 1-8 vehicles – with the most essential news and insights on vehicles, battery & charging technology, maintenance, manufacturing, purchase & leasing information, and regulatory & compliance issues – Charged Fleet is where fleet EV buying decisions are nurtured and made.
Bobit Custom Content Studio Creation Hub
Videography, graphic design, copywriting, editing, and more. Get premium content created by industry veterans without the cost of building your own creative team.
MODERN SALON Pop-Up Education
Let MODERN SALON help you educate audiences about your brand through an exciting educational pop-up!
Blog Boost
Innovative Digital Display Solutions
Keep your brand top of mind with our smartly curated and highly engaged digital audiences
Beauty Specific Sampling & Giveaway Programs
Co-branded giveaway programs that boost your brand and target customers most likely to purchase.
Experiential Content: Visual StoryTelling
Visual story telling designed to take your content marketing to the next level.